In this blog post, I want to explore the depths of fascia and its profound role as our body's "emotional archive". Prepare to delve into the science behind fascia's remarkable ability to store emotional responses and the profound impact it has on our overall well-being.
Fascia, a connective tissue that surrounds and interconnects every muscle, organ, and system in our body, holds more than just a physical function. It is a complex network that plays a crucial role in our emotional experiences and memories.
Over the last 7 years of treating fascia in my busy clinic, I have personally seen the impact unresolved emotions have on creating chronic tension in people's fascial system. And in my own personal experience, I was not able to get true, lasting relief from tension in my body until I was able to physically move and shift the emotions through my body.
Our emotional responses are imprinted within the fascial network, creating a living record of our experiences. The body has intricate mechanisms by which fascia communicates with our nervous system, influencing our emotions, stress responses, and even our posture.
Research from Bordoni, B., & Marelli, F. in 2017 - Emotions in Motion: Myofascial Interoception explains that fascia is a network of connective tissue that surrounds the body's structures. It has a profound influence on emotions and can adapt to the body's needs. This means that emotions can affect the body's response and posture. The fascia contains receptors that are linked to emotional states. Disorders in the fascia can impact a person's emotional well-being. This research shows the importance of addressing both physical and emotional needs for overall well-being. The fascia plays a broader role as our body's emotional archive.
I believe there's a better way to approach mental and emotional health...that is through the body, particularly the fascia. Processing and regulating emotions starts with balancing, opening and freeing the fascia.
Want to learn more about ways to regulate your emotions through the body? Join us for our next cohort here!